Our mission is to provide innovative solutions to industry and accelerate economic growth in the Irish composites sector.
The Irish Composites Centre (IComp) was established in 2010 under the EI/IDA Technology Centres initiative. It is hosted by the University of Limerick (UL), working in partnership with University College Dublin (UCD), Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) and NUI Galway (NUIG). IComp is supported by world-class academics and a dedicated team of highly-experienced researchers
IComp is the link between industry and the extensive resources dedicated to composite materials available in Irish third level institutions. Directed by our industry members, IComp’s work is focused on solving technical challenges encountered on a daily basis and supporting research and development activity.
The IComp team is helping to develop knowledge and skills within the Irish composites community enabling it to take advantage of the latest technology and be competitive in the growing global market.

Dr Terry McGrail
Director of Irish Composites Centre (IComp)
Terry is Director of the Irish Composites Centre (IComp) founded by Enterprise Ireland in 2010. Prior to joining IComp he had a very successful career as an industrial scientist specialising in polymers and composites. He has received awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Materials for his contribution to composites science. Through IComp he is using his experience and expertise to lead a broad programme of R&D spread across four different Research Providing Organisations in support of the Irish composites industry.