Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme.
IComp have participated very successfully in the EI/EU co-funded Marie Sklodowsha-Curie Acution CareerFIT programme. The programme offers an opportunity for experienced researchers (at postdoctoral level) to develop their careers in market focused applied research in Ireland’s 15 Technology Centres. The scheme requires an academic host institution and an industry partner based in Ireland and offers successful applicatns a 36-month fellowship.
More information on the CareerFIT scheme is available on Enterprise Ireland’s website
IComp currently have 9 successfully funded CareerFIT projects and are delighted to host a CareerFIT day on 12th September 2019 at The University of Limerick, where all the IComp Careerfit projects will be presented.

For more information on the CareerFIT day please contact or